
I am 49 years old and from United Kingdom

Ethnicity White/Caucasian
Hair color Blonde
Height 5'10" - 6" [175cm - 185cm]
Eye color Green
Gender Female
Bust size Huge
Butt size Big
Pubic hair Trimmed
Region Europe
Sexual preference Straight
Weight 180 - 200 lbs [80 - 90 kg]
Primary Language english
Secodary Language german
Homecountry United Kingdom
What I like

Sexy, sensual and very confident. I rarely let incompetent people come any close to me. Allergic to bullshit, grabbing and firmly holding the wheel of my life. Do you dare to play?

What i don' like

Circumstances rarely matter to me. What matters is that we understand each other well, and one smile will bring more joy than the most expensive apartment or the most expensive dinner in the world.
